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Thrips Treatment - 25 million Nematodes SF
Disponibilité : En stock
Biological treatment against Thrips - Les Nématodes SF
Nematodes are microscopic worms invisible to the naked eye.
Thrips are small insects that belong to the order Thysanoptera. Measuring about 1 to 2 millimeters long, they have a slender, elongated body, pale yellow to dark brown in color. Thrips have fringed wings that allow them to fly, but they generally prefer to move by walking or jumping. They feed on plants, picking up plant tissue with their pointed mouthparts. Thrips can cause significant damage to crops as they can feed on leaves, flowers and fruits, reducing the quality and quantity of production.
Thrips are also known to carry viruses that can cause disease in plants. Viruses are transmitted by thrips when they feed on the infected plant. Symptoms of the disease can include leaf spotting, reduced growth and poor fruit quality. Thrips damage can be particularly severe in vegetable crops, such as tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.
To control thrips, there are various biological control methods, such as the use of Steinernema feltiae nematodes. Steinernema feltiae nematodes are tiny, soil-dwelling worms that are natural predators of thrips. The nematodes feed on the thrips inside their bodies, thereby killing them. Steinernema feltiae nematodes can be applied directly to crops, using a sprinkler or sprayer. This method is effective and environmentally friendly, as it does not require the use of chemicals.
This control method to eradicate thrips is respectful of the environment, without chemical or harmful products.
It is a LIVE PRODUCT with a FAIRLY SHORT use-by date.
Avoid buying them in advance.
Use the ENTIRE SACHET at the time of TREATMENT because the nematodes are not evenly distributed in the sachet.
Combine this nematode treatment with the yellow glue traps for potted plants to eliminate the adult stage as well.
Planters and potted plants.
PS: Sachet containing a wet granular powder.
By watering or spraying.
Moisten the soil to be treated.
Pour the powder into a watering can or sprayer, add water and mix well.
Water or pulverize the soil.
How are your anti Thrips nematodes delivered to you?
By unrefrigerated follow-up letter directly to the mailbox.
Nematodes can survive more than 8 days at room temperature without concern. Storage in the fridge is just to be able to keep them longer by slowing down their development.
The nematodes are to be kept cool after reception in order to slow down their metabolism ("hibernation") in order to be able to keep them until the expiry date.
At room temperature, the nematodes do not die but continue their development. Without food, they would eventually die naturally after about ten days.
Date of treatment with nematodes anti Thrips
Treatment with nematodes can be done all year round preventively or curatively as soon as the pests appear when the temperature reaches 10 to 12°C.

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