A caterpillar's life

The biological cycle of this insect is annual. It can be presented schematically in 6 steps:

oak processionary life cycle

1. Metamorphosis of chrysalises into butterflies. Male and female mate. The male dies a day or two later.

2. The female flies off and lays her eggs (future caterpillars) in the thin branches at the top of the well-opened oaks. Then she too dies.

3. The oak processionary overwinters as eggs directly on the branches of oak trees.

4. Hatching of the eggs before the bud burst of the oaks (appearance of the young leaves).

5. The caterpillars build a silk shelter on the branches. then they pass through 5 larval stages.

6. The caterpillars weave a more resistant nest plated on the trunk or the large carpenter branches for the last larval stage. This nest will contain the cocoons. The caterpillars pupate and turn into pupae.

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