SOLUNEMA - Ants - 250 million Nematodes

Biological treatment to treat anthills - Nematodes Steinernema Feltiaé (SF) 250 million

Nematodes are microscopic worms   entomopathogenic (or auxiliary).
This nematode kills insects in the larval stage
Once applied to the plane tree, this nematode comes into contact with the pest (the larvae) and penetrates through its natural routes.

As soon as the nematodes have entered the larva, the bacteria which live in symbiosis with the nematodes are released. These bacteria produce a toxin that causes the larvae to die. Under optimal conditions, the infested insect stops feeding very quickly and dies within 48 to 72 hours.

It is a LIVING PRODUCT with a FAIRLY SHORT use date.
Avoid buying them in advance.
Use THE WHOLE POT at the time of TREATMENT because the nematodes are not evenly distributed in the pot.

Packaging: Bag of 250 million nematodes for approximately 500 m²
PS: Sachet containing a moist granular powder.

By watering or spraying.
Moisten the anthills before treatment
Pour the powder into a watering can or sprayer, add water and mix well.
Water or spray the anthills with the solution

How are your nematodes delivered to you?
By unrefrigerated tracked letter directly to the mailbox.
Nematodes can survive for more than 8 days at room temperature without concern. Storing them in the fridge is just to keep them longer by slowing down their development.
The nematodes must be kept cool after receipt in order to slow down their metabolism ("hibernation") so that they can be stored until the DLU date.
At room temperature, nematodes do not die but continue to develop. Without food, they would end up dying naturally after about ten days.


Mode of action
Nematodes are present naturally in the earth in small quantities, they are microscopic worms invisible to the naked eye, respectful of useful insects, crops and vertebrates (human beings and domestic animals).
Nematodes move through the soil looking for pest larvae to parasitize. When they find them, they enter their body through natural channels and multiply inside, thus leading to their death within a few days.

How to use nemtodes against ants?

1. Identify the problem

Start with a careful inspection of your garden, lawn, or borders to locate anthills. Typical signs include piles of dirt and increased ant activity. Identify whether anthills are concentrated in certain areas or scattered. This step is crucial to determine the extent of the infestation and to plan treatment effectively.

2. Preparation of nematode solution

Nematodes come in an inactive state and must be mixed with water to be activated . Use non-chlorinated water and follow directions to get the correct concentration. The quantity of water will depend on the surface to be treated. Be sure to prepare the solution just before use to keep the nematodes active.

3. Soil preparation

The soil should be prepared to maximize the effectiveness of nematodes. Water the areas to be treated abundantly a few hours before application so that the soil is sufficiently moist. Avoid periods of drought or overly dry soil, as nematodes require a moist environment to move around and reach anthills.

4. Application by spraying or watering nematodes

For application, use a sprayer or watering can . Distribute the solution evenly over the affected areas, paying particular attention to the entrances to the anthills. If you use a sprayer, make sure it is properly adjusted to avoid harming the nematodes. Uniform coverage is essential to reach all infected areas.

After application, continue to water treated areas regularly to maintain humidity. This helps the nematodes survive and spread through the soil to reach and infect the ant larvae. Avoid excessive watering which could wash nematodes out of the treated area.

5. Monitor results

Monitor treated areas carefully in the days and weeks following application. You should observe a gradual reduction in ant activity. Note areas where activity persists, as additional treatment may be necessary. The nematodes continue to act for several weeks , providing long-lasting protection against new infestations.

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