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Lawn/grass treatment against white worms, vine weevil and cockchafer - 10 million HB nematodes
Disponibilité : En stock
Organic lawn and turf treatment against white worms, vine weevil, cockchafer - Nematodes Heterorhabditis Bacteriophora (HB) 10 million
They are brown to black beetles, measuring 2 to 3 cm in length. The larvae are off-white, have a curved shape and measure 2 to 4 cm in length.
Adults are 1.5 to 2 cm long and have a "nose" shape. They are dark brown or black in color.
Adults emerge from the soil in summer and feed on the leaves and flowers of plants, leaving distinctive crescent-shaped notches on the leaf edges. They then lay their eggs in the soil near the roots of the plants. The larvae hatch and feed on the roots, which can weaken plants and make them more vulnerable to disease and adverse weather conditions.
White grubs are considered pests because their larvae cause significant damage to plant roots, which can lead to weakening, discoloration, and even death of plants. Symptoms include wilting plants, yellowing leaves, eaten roots, and dead areas in lawns.
This is a LIVE PRODUCT with a VERY SHORT use-by date.
Avoid buying them in advance.
Use THE WHOLE SACHET at the time of TREATMENT because the nematodes are not evenly distributed in the sachet.
Packaging : Pot of 10 million nematodes for approximately 20 m²
PS: Pot containing a moist granular powder.
Instructions for use
If you notice damaged areas in your garden, with signs of root devouring or plants that are rapidly wilting, it is likely that you have a grub infestation. These underground larvae can cause significant damage to roots and plants. It is essential to correctly identify the problem before beginning treatment.
They are brown to black beetles, measuring 2 to 3 cm in length. The larvae are off-white, have a curved shape and measure 2 to 4 cm in length.
Adults are 1.5 to 2 cm long and have a "nose" shape. They are dark brown or black in color.
Adults emerge from the soil in summer and feed on the leaves and flowers of plants, leaving distinctive crescent-shaped notches on the leaf edges. They then lay their eggs in the soil near the roots of the plants. The larvae hatch and feed on the roots, which can weaken plants and make them more vulnerable to disease and adverse weather conditions.
White grubs are considered pests because their larvae cause significant damage to plant roots, which can lead to weakening, discoloration, and even death of plants. Symptoms include wilting plants, yellowing leaves, eaten roots, and dead areas in lawns.
1. Preparation of the nematode solution
Start by diluting the entire sachet of nematodes in a small container of clean water at room temperature. Mix well, any lumps are not a big deal. Then pour this preparation into a watering can or sprayer and add 10 liters of water at room temperature (between 15°C and 25°C). Mix again.
2. Application by spraying or watering of nematodes
Make sure the soil is slightly moist before applying the nematodes. This will make it easier for them to move around and find the grubs. Use a watering can or sprayer to spread the nematode solution over the infested area or the entire garden area.
3. Continue watering
Nematodes need a moist environment to survive. To maintain their effectiveness, continue to water the crop lightly on a regular basis. Nematodes need moisture to move through the soil and find the grubs.
4. Monitor the results
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora nematodes work by infecting and killing white grubs inside their bodies. You should see a gradual decrease in the white grub population over time. Monitor the condition of the plants closely to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. If necessary, you can repeat the application of the nematodes to ensure complete control of the infestation.
How are your nematodes delivered to you?
By unrefrigerated tracked letter directly to the mailbox.
Nematodes can survive more than 8 days at room temperature without any problem. Storing them in the fridge is just to be able to keep them longer by slowing down their development.
Nematodes should be kept cool after receipt in order to slow down their metabolism ("hibernation") so that they can be stored until the DLU date.
At room temperature, nematodes do not die but continue their development. Without food (larvae of fungus gnats), they would eventually die naturally after about ten days.
Mode of action
Nematodes are naturally present in the soil in small quantities, they are microscopic worms invisible to the naked eye, respectful of useful insects, crops and vertebrates (human beings and domestic animals). Nematodes move in the soil in search of the larvae of pests to parasitize them. When they find them, they enter their body by natural means and multiply inside, thus causing their death in a few days.

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